Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM

A 5-Step, Brain-Based Approach to Passing the MFT Licensing Exam on Your First Attempt

with Dr. Diane Gehart

For BOTH the National and California MFT Exams


Ready to Pass? BUY NOW!

Join the first EVIDENCE-BASED MFT licensing exam prep course. And YOU will be part of the process of CRACKING THE CODE of what works!

No other exam preparation program combines the neurobiology of encoding and retaining information with a highly engaging set of study videos and materials. 

In this self-paced course, you will not only experience a comprehensive overview of exam content, but you will also be introduced to a refreshingly uplifting approach to studying that will change how you see yourself as a professional.

Best of all, you will feel like Dr. Gehart and the entire Laugh Your Way to LIcensureTM community are your study partners throughout. 



Reclaim Licensure as a Joyful Rite of Passage... 

What if you could...

  • Enjoy the process of studying for your licensure exam.
  • Relax, knowing you have a simple 5-step process to follow.
  • See rapid progress using brain-based methods to ensure effective encoding and recall. 
  • Get inspired knowing you are training with a leader in the field.
  • Trust your exam prep process because it is being developed as the first evidence-based prep program.

Are You Ready for an Entirely New Approach to Licensure Exam Prep?

  • Fun and Uplifting: What if studying for licensure was truly fun and enjoyable? This program is based on the premise that it should be.
  • Brain- and Mindfulness-Based Interventions: No other study program includes over 6 forms of brain-based interventions, including mindfulness, to scaffold your learning and increase your ability to encode information during studying and recall it during the exam. 
  • Simple Step-by-Step Study Progam: Virtually all other programs dump a ton of information on you and then give you a practice exam. But, most people do not learn best that way. Instead, follow the simple 5-step process that slowly builds your knowledge sequentially. Best of all, you can do it at your own pace.
  • Evidence-Based: The course curriculum evolving based on qualitative and quantitative data about what works. Basically, the distress of the first cohort convinced me that we needed to create a solid, evidence-informed approach to passing the exam on the first attempt.
  • Most Extensive Set of Study Materials in One Package: Maximize your study time with strategically designed Word doc worksheets, 400 digital flashcards, over 300 practice questions, and a 90-question mock exam. 
  • Take a Mock Exam Alongside Dr. Gehart: Learn how to think through questions as you practice taking an exam with Dr. Gehart. You are guaranteed to develop great test-taking habits.
  • Extensive Video Library: Over 20 hours of beautiful, engaging video to cover essential information and 24 hours of in-depth review theory videos.
  • Guaranteed Accurate Information: There is a shocking amount of misinformation out there, even with other paid programs. How can you pass if you are not studying correct information? Whether you study with Dr. Gehart or not, make sure that your exam instructor has numerous peer-reviewed publications and does more than just sell exam prep materials. 

Here's What's Possible for You with a Brain-Based MFT Licensure Prep Course

What if you knew you had a strategy that worked?

  • You will have a clear path with step-by-step instructions about how much to study and what to study.
  • Rumors wouldn't get you down because you have confidence that you are receiving expert guidance and evidence-informed methods.
  • You feel the momentum building as you see each step of the program systematically creating a framework for retaining information.
  • Each week, you experience greater calm as you use mindfulness to help encode information and reduce anxiety.
  • Your professional identity becomes clearer as you study, mastering the knowledge base of the field.
  • Along the way, you feel supported by a knowledgeable expert and a group of peers sharing the same journey.
  • A sense of pride as you hang your license on your office wall, knowing that you accomplished something huge.
Photo of Diane Gehart

Dr. Diane Gehart

I took my first licensing test in 1997 when I sat for the Texas LPC Exam. Yep, that was the last century when there wasn't a national counseling exam. 

In 1999, I took the two California MFT exams. Yep, that was last century when they required an oral exam, during which candidates were given a couple of minutes to review a vignette they had never seen, and then they were expected to verbally summarize their diagnosis, crisis management, theoretical approach, treatment plan, interventions, diversity considerations, and ethical decision making on the spot. By the way, the spot was generally in a hotel room kitchenette. Awkward at best.

When I left my oral exam, I was fairly certain I failed it because I could identify several key points I forgot to mention. As I drove home through heavy rain and Los Angeles traffic, I cried. I couldn't imagine facing my MFT graduate students and other faculty. After an agonizing month's wait, I learned I passed. I cried again. This time, they were tears of relief, but I never forgot the lesson in humility.

As I approach retirement after serving as a full-time MFT and Counselor Educator for a quarter of a century, I've been thinking I might want to move. However, even though I have been licensed for over two decades, it turns out that I would need to take the national MFT and Counseling exams. 

That made me laugh! Bring it on!

The funny part was that I have been helping people prepare for licensure for over two decades. I have written both MFT and counseling theory textbooks and maintain a YouTube Channel that have been used by thousands to prepare for these exams.

I was also one of only two MFTs in the country to be the first APA-Approved Trainers for the DSM-5. 

I have also been on the AAMFT Code of Ethics Revisions Task Force.

So, I decided to teach a licensure prep course as I studied for my exam. I wanted to create a course that imparted the playful spirit I experienced in the rare situation of taking a licensing exam after years of experience. 

You can learn more about her publications at:


Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM: Reclaiming Licensure as a Joyful Rite of Passage

with Dr. Diane Gehart

Enroll Now
Photo of Tandra

Tandra's Success Story...

Thank you so much for the invaluable experience of this course.

I took the exam in August, had a mini panic attack mid-exam, and did not finish the exam in time.

I left more than 15 questions unanswered.


I scored a 152, which equates to 85%.

I think this speaks volumes to the validity of your training course. 

Thanks again for helping me bridge from MA to LAMFT!

-Tandra J.

Laura's Success Story...

When I opened the email and saw "Congratulations!"...I cried, I giggled a little bit, I laughed out loud (in the office), and I cried a little harder. I called my Supervisor, who is a 40+ year MFT, and I yelled into the phone…

"The BEAST has been conquered...finally!!!

With Another Company

  • Attempt #1 - failed by 9
  • Attempt #2 - failed by 6
  • Attempt #3 - failed by 6

Purchased Laugh to Licensure 2 weeks before Attempt #3 and completed the course before attempt #4

  • Attempt #4 - Passed by TEN

Dr. Gehart, I cannot thank you enough for ALL you do in helping us. You don't have to. You write the books we learn all this from! It's your giving heart that goes above and reaches farther to help get us through this, and I truly and humbly appreciate you in so many ways.

And, I changed my email signature line immediately.....😁


Photo of Laura
Photo of Gilbert

Gilbert's Success Story...

"I'm SUPER grateful for the experience!!! This course has helped me to focus on studying, setting a schedule, and prioritizing the material needed to pass the exam. 

What helped me the most????

I think it was the case conceptualization sheets that helped me to visualize clients as they present for assessment and how each theory would apply.

Of course, the lectures were also incredibly helpful. I have listened to them many times during gardening, playing mechanic in my garage, and studying. "The life of studying for the MFT exam"!!! 

I've taken other courses and always find myself going back to Dr. Gehart's videos for clarification.

I also gained some peace of mind which boosted my confidence to take on this exam. I've been able to appreciate the journey more and accept the process that it takes to reach this point.

Thank you for being vulnerable and for sharing your experience as laughter is the best medicine and appropriately designed in the development of this course!

-Gilbert M.

Tamaru Success Story...

Dr.Gehart, thank you!! I passed my MFT licensure exam (Florida). I purchased your Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM in October and was scheduled to take the test in December. I received my results today and I wholeheartedly believe that without your program I would not have passed.

I have looked at other programs before and would not purchase, but as soon as I saw you had a program there was no hesitation in purchasing. I am so glad I did. I had been using your YouTube videos, and those helped tremendously, but in addition to your course, I felt confident I would pass.

I did the tapping method during the exam and also did 30 seconds of meditation before I began the exam. I thank you tremendously. You are truly an amazing instructor and your course was easy to understand and made "sense." 

I was stuck on a score, but as you mentioned throughout the course "you only need to pass." Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ROCK! You are the BEST! Please continue to do what you do as you do it so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo of Tamaru

Equity and Inclusion: An Approach that Works for EVERYBODY...

Recently the National Association of Social Workers published an alarming report indicating significant racial and age disparities in pass rates. To date, neither the national nor California boards that offer licensing exams in MFT have collected such data or reported on it. However, given that such disparities are common in many fields, we can assume this is an issue in our field as well

Dr. Gehart has been working with Dr. Kevin Lyness and his team of doctoral students to identify potential disparities in the MFT exam pass rates and, more importantly, have begun to explore ways to reduce these disparities. 

Although there will hopefully be better methods for awarding licensure in the future, those seeking licensure today simply need a method that works for everybody. 

Numerous diverse therapists report that Laugh Your Way to Licensure™'s (a) exam and anxiety-management strategy combined with (b) supportive group mentoring and community has enabled them to finally pass when traditional programs did not work. 


Your Mission Should Choose to Accept It... to enthusiastically follow a carefully designed 5-step, brain-based process and PASS your licensing exam on the first attempt.

YOU GOT THIS! And I have your back.

Photo of woman and microscope


The course is designed using ongoing qualitative and quantitative research. And you will be part of its evolution.

Photo of Brain

Brain-Based Methods

The entire course is designed with how your brain encodes and recalls information.

Woman meditating

Mindfulness Study Hacks

Brain-based hacks that will help you reduce your test anxiety and increase recall.

Study Group

Small-Group Coaching

Monthy small-group coaching calls with Dr. Diane Gehart to answer all your questions and inspire you!

Deck of cards

400 Digital Flashcards

Extensive flashcard library that makes it easy to study anywhere, anytime.

Girl smiling at desk

300+ Practice Questions

Practice and solidify your knowledge with hundreds of practice questions.

Boy using hands as binoculars

Observational Learning

Learn by watching Dr. Gehart take the test, imprinting good test-taking strategies and laughing along the way.


Extensive Worksheets

Extensive worksheets to help organize and retain everything that you are studying.

Woman smiling

Positive, Fun Approach

No other study program offers a more fun and playful study approach.

No Other Licensure Prep Course Is This Much Fun...

"I argued. I laughed. I moved around. I paused. I taunted 2021 Diane Gehart. I WIARYAed* 2021 Diane Gehart. It was like a family gathering!"

-Thomas B. after completing Step 2: Tour the Terrain with Training Wheels: Take Your First Mock Exam Side-by-Side with Dr. Gehart

*WIARYA = Wrong I Am, Right You Are (pronounced why-uh-rye-uh)

Photo of Tammy

Tammy's Success Story


YES!!! I passed the National MFT Exam! After practicing for 10 years in community mental health, I knew that private practice is the way for me. I'm embarrassed to even put a total amount of dollars on how much I spent studying for this exam. Then, I came across Dr. Gehart's program, and the word "laugh" pulled me in! I am forever thankful that I found this course.

For me, I was fully practicing mindfulness prior to this course, but it definitely was a key to passing the exam. The 'write it to retain it' section was most helpful, then watching the mock exam of Dr. Gehart was beyond helpful! As I was taking the exam, I could actually hear her voice examining and problem-solving the question I was on.

By far, THE best study course for the MFT exam!

Lilliam’s Success Story…

I received my degree in 2000 and postponed taking my licensing exam because I worked full-time time program administration for many years. Fast forward to 2016 when I decided to go back and attempt to take the exam. I failed the exam by three points the first time I attempted it, and then got progressively worse on my two following attempts. I quickly became discouraged and decided that it wasn’t meant to be. I blamed the language and the test bias being that my primary language is Spanish and I was raised in a different culture.

Then I discovered Diane Gehart’s Laugh Your Way to Licensure™! What stuck with me the most about the program were two things: the encouragement to pass the test, not necessarily to Ace it, and “Licensure being a Rite of Passage”. Although I struggled with the construct of the exam, I followed the steps outlined in the course, coaching sessions, and also watched and re watched most Gehart free You Tube Videos.

Finally, I passed the exam in December 2022--Twenty two years later I passed the exam! I encourage those whose Spanish is their first language to also compliment their study by watching you tube videos in Spanish as there are some good ones.

If I were to go back to my first day at the program, I would urge everyone to begin studying for the exam as soon as they begin their course and not wait for after graduation to look into how the exam works. Practicing exercises together in the coaching sessions of Diane Gehart’s program prepares you for the real vignettes and teaches you techniques on how to rule out options and go about choosing the best answer. Don’t give up. Pursue your dream with laughter?

Picture of Lilliam

Alex's Success Story

I failed twice on my own by a single digit margin each time.  After my second failure doing worse than my first attempt I was crestfallen and disheartened.  I sought out a study program per my supervisor's suggestion and during a group study meet I heard about Laugh Your Way to Licensure™.  I recalled Diane's name from the textbooks, and her lighter approach from old study videos I watched online and got interested.  Through her humanistic and easily understandable reviews, bubbly personality, and access to in-depth test questions that were broken down for better comprehension, I passed my third attempt by 7 points.  She and her program were the extra nudge I needed both academically and personally to finally pass the exam.

Sarah's Success Story...


I didn't just pass my exam, I smashed it! :) Which is absolutely stunning since multiple choice exams are my Achille's heel!

Insights I gained from class:

  • The Deep Dive (Step 3) changed my life as a therapist (and mother!) as it opened my eyes to other modes of therapy I originally had not fully understood/appreciated
  • The DSM-5 knocked out of the woods my feelings of fear and incompetence around diagnosing
  • The mock exam with Diane's commentary brought joy to the whole idea of seeing this exam as a right of passage and a celebration of all these years of hard work!
  • Plus, the mindfulness and prayer you encouraged us to include flipped this from a cold hard exam to a spiritual experience.

Positively, sitting for the exam was "fun" in all the intellectual and challenging ways it could be.

THANK YOU for everything!!! This licensure study course changed my life!!

Picture of Sarah
Person at computer

Your 5-Step Study Plan

Step 1: Lay a Strong Foundation: Define Your Strategy and Refresh the Basics 

  • Upgrade your attitude with a refreshingly positive approach to studying for licensure that will boost your confidence
  • Learn the three main reasons why people fail exams and the strategies to prevent them
  • Begin a mindfulness practice approach that will reduce your test anxiety and increase your ability to recall study material on the day of the exam
  • Review test-taking strategies and analyze your cognitive type to understand the type of errors you are most likely to make--and learn the antidote!
  • Get your head back in the game by reviewing core content: MFT theories, diagnosis, and law and ethics

Step 2: Tour the Terrain with Training Wheels: Take Your First Mock Exam Side-by-Side with Dr. Gehart

  • Watch Dr. Diane Gehart take a mock exam and learn from her mistakes
  • Watch her miss questions…and even argue aloud with the (nonpresent) test writers 
  • Develop confidence by seeing that even someone who is a seasoned professional, highly regarded professor, and prolific textbook author misses questions too. Passing a licensing exam is not about perfection, it's about being good enough.
  • Learn the vocabulary secret to answering theory questions 
  • Analyze your areas of weakness based on the practice exam to know where you need to do focus your deep-dive studying

Step 3: Write It to Retain It: Deep-Dive Review of Content

  • Review exam content using worksheets developed using neurological research on memory and recall to maximize your study time
  • Extensive theory review for both national and California exams
  • Strategically designed DSM-5-TR worksheets to help you recall the most challenging diagnostic information to memorize
  • Practical review of ethics, research, and other information covered on the exam

Step 4: Ensure Encoding: Quiz Yourself Until You Master It 

  • Next, quiz yourself with an extensive set of digital flashcards
  • Practice your multiple-choice exam skills with practice tests
  • Safely solidify your knowledge and memorize required content so that you are more than ready to take a full-length mock exam

Step 5: Test Drive the Test: Take a Full-Length Mock Exam

  • Take a full-length Mock Exam (National with 180 questions or California with 200 questions) with special brain-based tips to maximize learning. Scoring includes full rationales for each question. 
  • Use the included $50 coupon to take another full-length mock exam to assess your readiness for the real thing
  • Analyze test results to determine whether you are ready for the real thing or whether you need to review some more
  • Multiple options for managing text anxiety before and during the test

Michael’s Story...

Here is my story. My first attempt at the test was a huge failure even though I had used two different courses to study plus a tutor. The thinking was if I threw enough money at resources something would help.
Then I found Diane’s Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM course, and I found hope. Diane's course is singular for many reasons but here are some of them.
First, she breaks the material down into what is absolutely essential to know, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Secondly, she is a fantastic lecturer so I stayed interested and engaged in the material, and I no longer dreaded studying.  
Third, her humility and identifying with the difficulty of the test made me feel validated.
I realized that what I appreciated most wasn’t just that I passed but that I had support until I did.  
Photo of Michael
Photo of Patti

Patti’s Success Story...

 THANK YOU for allowing me to pass the MFT Exam on my first try! I attribute my success to you and your program because I did not study from any other source. Here is what I think allowed me to pass:

1. I immersed myself in the program. And, most importantly, I enjoyed studying because you made it FUN!
2. I binged watched and listened to your videos on the theories.
3. I went through Step 2 (where you talk through the process of answering questions) twice.
4. I took Ben Caldwell's practice exam twice.

However, while taking the exam I felt sure I was not passing. I thought the content did not align with what I had studied and I felt discouraged. However, I stayed true to your STRATEGY, which was burned into my mind, and that is what I followed. I heard your voice: READ THE PROMPT FIRST! Then, I followed your T.A.P Strategy. And, low and behold to my HAPPY SURPRISE, I PASSED!!!!

Bottom line:
1. Have FUN Studying!
2. When taking the exam, regardless of how you feel, STAY TRUE TO THE STRATEGY!! It Works!! :-)

Thank you again, and Good Luck to everyone who has yet to take it.

Kelsey's Success Story...

Passing the licensure exam is a feeling worth all the time, energy, and money put into this process! I studied for 3 months and very regularly. I studied probably 5-6 days a week, but NOT for long stretches. I did a variety of different practice exams from different companies.

Using Diane’s approach of identifying the stem of each question was incredibly helpful. With nearly every single question, I could eliminate 2 of the 4 answers right off. The questions were most similarly formatted to the practice tests she uses. 

And probably the most important piece of preparing was mindfulness. I had started regularly meditating at the start of studying, But during the last month I made it a priority, and I think it made a difference in my anxiety during that last week of studying and the morning of the test. 

Thank you Diane for all of your expertise & guidance! Your approach to this exam is unlike anything else I’ve come across or heard of. Best of luck to everyone—stick to what form of studying works best for you, put in the time and you will do well!  (National Exam)

Photo of Kelsey
Diverse group studying

What You Get!

  • 25 hours of comprehensive MFT Exam Prep review videos with Dr. Gehart, including beautifully designed PowerPoints with handouts
  • 1 monthly group coaching call with Dr. Gehart on Zoom to keep you motivated and get all of your questions answered
  • 30 hours of BONUS videos that cover all of the theories on both exams in-depth, including handouts and theory-specific case conceptualization forms
  • 30 pages of fillable Study Worksheets to enable you to quickly study and retain information
  • 400 online flashcards that enable you to easily test your knowledge anytime, anywhere
  • 300 practice questions divided by topic so you know what you know and what you don't
  • 1 Full-Length practice Exam: One full-length practice exam for the National Exam and one for the California exam
  • 90-question practice exam created by Dr. Ben Caldwell that we use in a group practice session 
  • 3 different stress-management options: mindfulness, EFT tapping, and guided visualization
  • 2-in-1 Package that includes review materials for both the California and National Exams.
  • 1 free app that can be accessed on tablet or phone!

Tiffany's Success Story...

I am happy to report that I passed my exam!

I believe that if I had not taken your course I may not have passed due to not understanding the test structure and test anxiety.

I’ve been using mindfulness every day prior to studying, especially when I would come to a question or content area (during practice exams) that I didn’t feel competent in.

It worked!

During the exam, I was able to recall my review the day before, as well as hear your voice!

Let’s T.A.P. our way to success!!

So grateful for the work you’re doing Diane, thank you so very much!

Photo of Tiffany
Photo of Momi

Momi’s Success Story…

After 15 years I passed!  I graduated back in 2006.  I tried numerous study guides, plans, text books, CDs, and expensive websites that promised 100% passing rates.   None of those programs met my learning style or helped me pass the exam. I attempted the exam twice, the first attempt I missed the passing score by 12 and the second attempt by 1. 
Someone recommend Dr. Geharts books to me, and I soon discovered  Laughing Your Way To Licensure. I figured after 2 unsuccessful attempts all I could do was laugh about it. 
This was the first time that someone had a positive outlook on taking the exam, reminding us that you can pass, it is just one aspect of our career, and it will make you a better therapist.  Do not judge your value by the score of the test, it's just a test.  We practiced mindfulness before every session.  This made a huge difference in my mind frame for studying, and reduced my anxious feelings. 
The videos, lessons, and handouts were easy to follow.  I looked forward to and was excited to meet with others for our weekly sessions.  Meeting together as a group, laughing, and being able to bounce ideas off of each other gave me a sense of I'm not alone in this process.  If I found this program 15 years ago I would have been licensed a lot sooner. 
My score increased by 15 points, passing the exam with flying colors.  
Mahalo nui Loa, Dr. Gehart!!!


John's Success Story

I had purchased the two top exam prep programs and hired a high-end private tutor for my first two exams and still did not pass. As a grandfather and retiree, studying the vast amount of information required for the MFT Exam was a daunting task.

Then he registered for the firstLaugh Your Way to LicensureTM and finally PASSED.

Here's what made the difference:

1. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness enabled me to remember what I studied during the exam.

2. Taking the Mock Exam with Dr. Gehart: Watching Dr. Gehart "talk through" the exam questions role modeled how to approach the exam.

3.  Study Sheets: Writing everything down helped me retain the information better than with other programs.

INTERGENERATIONAL BONUS: My grandchildren were learning the value of studying, education, and persistence along the way!

Photo of John
Girl with magnifying glass

Brain-Based Methods

  • Brain-State: Learn how to manage your brain state to maximize your ability to recall what you studied.
  • Scaffolded Learning: Rather than dump all information on a single topic once, the 5-step process works with your brain's neural wiring processes to create a framework and then build upon it to enable you to meaningfully retain what. you learn.
  • Optimal Encoding: Active learning methods are used throughout to engage multiple parts of the brain to optimize encoding while studying.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness is built into every lesson to improve recall and reduce stress.
  • Observational Learning: Mirror neurons enable humans to quickly learn by watching others.
  • Repetition for Automation: After 10 hours of practicing with Dr. Gehart, you will effortlessly use her T.A.P. strategy to answer every question on the day of the exam.
  • Numerous Pneumonic Devices: Acronyms, jokes, alliteration, and stories are strategically used throughout to help you add everyday associations with what you are studying.
  • Cognitive Type: Using cognitive types, Dr. Gehart will identify the specific type of errors you are most likely to make. It's like she is psychic, but instead, cognitive patterns are super easy to predict.
  • Visual Cues: Because the majority of learners are visual learners, numerous visual anchors are used to maximize recall.
  • Stress Reduction: Understand how the stress response impairs recall and learn multiple methods to reduce stress on the day of the exam. 

Exceptional Value

  • Live Monthly Group-Coaching with Dr. Gehart: Join a compassionate and inspirational group of therapists from around the country on the same journey as you, practice answering questions together with Dr. Gehart, learn from each other's successes and struggles, and find study partners. Best of all--no need to hire a private coach. Value $1,000
  • 25 Hours of Premium Video with Dr. Gehart covering core areas of content: Value $300
  • 30 Hours of Bonus Videos with over 100 pages of handouts: Value $250
  • Over 400 Digital Flashcards: Covering theory, diagnosis, ethics, treatment, research, etc. Value $100
  • Over 300 Practice Questions: Multiple-choice practice questions divided by topic to ensure you master the material: Value $100
  • 90-Question Mock Exam: 10 hours of practice and question analysis on a 90-question mock exam. Value $100
  • 1 Full-Length Mock Exam with explanations. for both the National AMFTRB Exam and the California Clinical Exam. Value $289
  • Uniquely Designed Exam Answer Sheets: Can be used with any other exam prep system to identify your areas of strength and weakness. Value $30
  • 3 Stress Management Approaches: Videos and recordings for using mindfulness, EFT tapping, and visualization. Value $30
  • 30 pages of Worksheets: Exclusive study sheets that are not available anywhere else. Value $50
  • 2 Exam Prep Courses in One: It's the only prep course for both the National and California Exams. $347
  • The most uplifting, fun approach to study, your best chance at passing on the first attempt, and a lifetime of confidence: Priceless! 

Total Value: $2,237

Yours for $347!

You Save $1,890!

Amy's Success Story...

Shout out to examinees who were born in the 60s! I passed on the first try with Laugh Your Way to Licensure™.

Probably the most helpful opportunity was to meet up with a handful of students in this course nearly every week. We provided and presented study materials that we generated for each other. We talked shop. We collectively puzzled over practice exam questions. We meditated. We laughed. Just like Dr. G said.

Thank you Dr. G!

Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM!

National and California MFT Exam Prep Course

Pay Over Time

4 Payments of $79

Holiday Discount--Regularly $93

  • 20 hours of comprehensive review videos with Dr. Gehart, including beautifully designed PowerPoints with handouts
  • 24 hours of BONUS videos that cover all of the theories on both exams in-depth, including handouts and theory-specific case conceptualization forms
  • 30 pages of fillable Study Worksheets to enable you to quickly study and retain information
  • 400 online Quizlet flashcards that enable you to easily test your knowledge anytime, anywhere
  • 300 practice questions divided by topic so you know what you know and what you don't
  • 1 Full-Length Mock Exam for National OR California with rationales for each question
  • 3 different stress-management options: mindfulness, EFT tapping, and guided visualization
  • 1 monthly group coaching call with Dr. Gehart on Zoom to keep you motivated and get all of your questions answered
  • 2-in-1 Package that includes review materials for both the California and National Exams.
  • 1 free app that can be accessed on a tablet or phone!
I Want to Laugh My Way to Licensure...Now!!

One-Time Payment


Holiday Discount--Regularly $347!!!

  • 20 hours of comprehensive review videos with Dr. Gehart, including beautifully designed PowerPoints with handouts
  • 24 hours of BONUS videos that cover all of the theories on both exams in-depth, including handouts and theory-specific case conceptualization forms
  • 30 pages of fillable Study Worksheets to enable you to quickly study and retain information
  • 400 online Quizlet flashcards that enable you to easily test your knowledge anytime, anywhere
  • 300 practice questions divided by topic so you know what you know and what you don't
  • 1 Full-Length Mock Exam for National OR California with rationales for each question
  • 3 different stress-management options: mindfulness, EFT tapping, and guided visualization
  • 1 monthly group coaching call with Dr. Gehart on Zoom to keep you motivated and get all of your questions answered
  • 2-in-1 Package that includes review materials for both the California and National Exams.
  • 1 free app that can be accessed on a tablet or phone!
I Want to Laugh My Way to Licensure...Now!!

Anna's Success Story...

"When we went through the practice questions, I had an ah-ha moment when I caught myself answering a question the way I would handle it clinically, instead of "what a structural therapist would do."

When I realized this, I was able to identify the correct answer immediately.

The material for this course is presented in an enjoyable, relatable, and easy to understand manner.

I truly appreciate that Diane created this course to make studying for the exam so much more pleasant than studying on our own!"

-Anna P.

Photo of Anna
Photo of Itzel

Itzel's Success Story...

"I will forever be grateful to you for putting together such a comprehensive prep course for licensure. I took the licensing exam in California for the first time to become an LMFT and passed! 

There were so many times I heard your voice in my head, guiding me and encouraging me to read the question first

I am over the moon, I get married next month and can go home (Costa Rica) without worry!"

-Itzel M.

Sade's Success Story...

I signed up for your Laughing your way to licensure and it’s the best decision I made for exam prep. I took my test in Florida 02/23 and I got my passing result today. I got an 80 on the National exam 😊. Your learning modules, videos and fill in worksheets really helped the information stick. I felt prepared and confident during the exam and used mindfulness to remain calm. Thank you so much this helped me so much !!

-Sade D.

Photo of Sade

Margaret and Sargent's Success Story...


Actually, the I in my sentence is not accurate. WE passed the first time because the course, the mindfulness bell/minute, and Diane's coaching and laughter got me through the 4 hour exam with points to spare!!!


Photo note: Sargent is reading their exam score report and asking, "Can we finally go back to a life of play? You are so boring when you study." 

Sargent's dream came true too!!

Photo of Margaret and dog
Picture of Hieu

Hieu's Success Story...

"I already see differences between your program and others. While studying with your lessons, I say, "Oh... I see. Wow... really. I get it."

The way you explain things, I am able to apply my understanding into and onto a case. Before that, I was confused and not very clear in some situations.

-Hieu S.

Jennifer’s Success Story...

I had a little less than six weeks to study and had been out of school for three years…and I totally passed the National Exam with 82%!!! 

I one hundred percent credit this course. It grounded me, helped me organize complex ideas--not just definitions--and created a solid strategy for me

Especially being from California, I would have had no idea how to prioritize and understand it all for the National Exam. I can't thank Dr. Gehart enough. 

Thanks so much!!  

Picture of Jennifer


Not only is all information guaranteed to be accurate, but you are also guaranteed access to the course until you pass, which should be your first attempt!

You also have access to group coaching calls until you pass. 

Yes, I got your YOU WILL PASS! We accept no other outcome with this program.

Guarantee symbol

Dee’s Success Story...


What I liked about the course was, first and foremost, the meditation.  The meditation before class helped me get into the focus zone, get into the habit of doing it when I studied on my own, and I used it before the exam.

Second, I appreciated the mock exam which gave me familiarity with what the experience felt like.  

Finally, I also loved the discussions of the answer to the questions and the why it was the right answer.  

Photo of Dee
Photo of Evelyn

Evelyn's Success Story...

"I've enjoyed every aspect of this course. 

In particular, I have enjoyed slowly working through a mock exam together. The relaxed group expressions of openness, laughter, and trust have helped to greatly reduce my own test anxiety.

Second, the colorful and detailed lecture slides and handouts, charts, and comparison tables have helped to organize and deepen my thinking. 

Finally, this course has helped me to develop better study habits. And, the group energy has been wonderful, as we expressed concern and encouraged one another."

-Evelyn M.

Amber's Success Story...

In August 2022, I took the licensure exam and failed with 117. I knew I had to give my second attempt my all because I did not know if I could go through the stress of studying with 7 children for a third attempt. 

In March 2023, after spending 2 months in Laugh Your Way to Licensure™, I passed with 136. 

That is a 19 point difference due to this program! 


There are several aspects of this program that really helped with the 19 point growth. 

1. Understanding our learning styles and the approach that we could benefit from when studying and reading the exam questions. 

2. Diane's encouragement and positive approach, including mindfulness for test anxiety.

3. The biggest aid was Diane walking through a mock exam using the green/yellow/red light approach to explain why an answer seemed right but was wrong. Initially, I averaged 60-70%, but when I went back a week before my exam and listened to step 2 again, I averaged 90-100%. 

4. The mock quizzes and Quizlet flashcards were wonderful tools to help break down information into smaller sections. 

5. I am amazed and appreciate how personable Diane is. Starting out as an MFT, people can feel vulnerable and question every step they take. To have her encouragement and kindness makes more of an impact than you may realize.


I tell everyone that is still in training how amazing, enriching, and worthwhile your program is. I needed this program to give me a new outlook and ability that I could not obtain studying on my own. Thank you so much!!

Photo of Amber

Karis's Success Story...

I am elated to share that I passed the exam! Thank you so much for your program! Even though I was filled with anxiety, I was confident that if I put in the work of learning and managed the anxiety I could pass. Learning the strategies in order to read the questions as they were written was a turning point for me.

Photo of Karis
Photo of Renee

Renee's Success Story...

I just found out that I passed the exam! Laugh Your Way to Licensure™ was particularly helpful to me because it made my study time so much more efficient. It was totally worth the money. I didn't want to spend a lot of time studying because I'm already working as a therapist and every hour I took away from seeing clients to study was income I wasn't making. Her concise video overviews of the models and other topics were exactly what I had been looking for.

I've always been a pretty good test taker and didn't think I could improve that, but Diane gave me new tools I didn't know existed. Her description of the MBTI types and how we individually answer questions is a game changer for me. I've never had that described before, and it was helpful to understand that I rush to judgment on standardized test questions. She really described and solidified this during the videos of her taking the practice exam. I didn't realize how other people worked through test questions. She didn't just help me pass the MFT exam, you helped me on all of my future standardized tests. Thank you!

Picture of Arlene

Arlene’s Success Story

At age 69 I took my first MFT licensing exam after using study materials from a different exam and failed.  I was devastated.  I enrolled in another course from another company and about five months later failed again. 

     After hearing about Diane’s course from other co-workers, I decided to enroll in Laugh Your Way to Licensure™ and wait a year before testing.  I am so glad I did!  The various study methods kept me engaged throughout the course.  The monthly group coaching sessions provided the support to keep me going!  I especially liked hearing the stories from the participants who passed their exam in the beginning of the coaching sessions. 

     Unfortunately, I did not pass on the third try.  It was at this attempt that I experienced A LOT of anxiety, something that I had never experienced before.  Thankfully, I was permitted to remain in the course until I passed, but I knew that something had to drastically change because I was not getting any younger!  It was through Diane’s course that I learned about exam accommodations.  With her support I decided to request extra testing time for breaks, based on my history of back problems. 

     I took the exam six months later – my fourth time – and PASSED!  Having the extra time lowered my anxiety, and for the first time I could answer all of my flagged questions!  Thank you, Diane.  I would have never been able to check this off of my bucket list without

Laugh Your Way to Licensure™!


Bianca's Success Story

I finally passed my AAMFTRB test. I’m so grateful for your help and support through this long journey. Without it and your study tools, I would have been unable to pass this. You have become one of my role models in the field (counseling and education), and I’m determined to strive and become just as much of a helping hand to others as you have become. 

Photo of Bianca
Photo of Kim

Kim's Success Story...

Thank you for putting this course together! As I was searching through study courses for the national MFT exam, this one was recommended to me by a colleague. I remembered reading texts by Diane Gehart when I was in school, and trusted her knowledge. This program had excellent pacing, a clear trajectory, and loads of useful information. The TAP acronym was extremely helpful on test day. My biggest takeaway from the course was that if I failed my exam, it wouldn't be from a lack of knowledge - it would be because I couldn't read the minds of the test writers. It completely lifted the burden of "knowing everything" off my shoulders. As it turns out, I passed on my first try, with an 82%! Thank you!


Joseph’s Success Story

I passed! I began this program 4 weeks before my test. I graduated 3 years ago and only had my theories flashcards from my Master's Program. I studied hard for one month and then took the practice test. I passed, but not by a comfortable margin. So, I signed up for Laugh Your Way to Licensure™ and dove in. The program was the key to me passing the National Exam on the 1st try. I scored 145 out of 180. The program built my confidence and gave me clear tools and a smart plan for dialing in the things I needed to know as my test date approached. This program was a Godsend for me and I do not think I would have performed so well without it. Thank you so much! 

Photo of Joseph

Frequently Asked Questions

What People Are Saying...

Jame's Success Story...

I passed the National Exam on my first try!! I was blown away because I expected to struggle so much more than I did.

I used this course to find the parts that I struggled with the most and watched/rewatched videos as well as studied the flashcards a ton. Taking notes on the videos and filling out the worksheets was an absolute must. One of the biggest helps for me was watching through the mock exams and having Diane Gehart talk through her rationales. I learned a lot about what to expect from the exam and how to read into what the exam writers were looking for by the way they worded questions.

I used red light/green light during the exam and the mindfulness made a huge difference. I was able to stay calm and keep my wise mind active throughout the entire exam.

Take time to look through each module. Do the mindfulness breaks at the beginning of studying. Tell yourself that you can do it, because you will.

Nancy’s Success Story…

I’m happy to say that I PASSED the exam 1st try!!!! I think the most important parts of Dr Gehart’s preparation that helped me are 1. Manage your test anxiety w/ deep breathing AND the hypnosis recording!!
2. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN!!! 3. Take her practice exam several times as well as other external practice exams. And after you take the exam and your future is in the hands of AMFTRB, visualize that email you’ll get after a week or so that says “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU PASSED!!”

Thank you Dr Gehart! You are truly the MFT Goddess!!

Jordan’s Success Story...

I just found out I passed on my third attempt. In the past 2 attempts, I failed by 1 point. This time, I purchased this program and passed by 25 points. The Quizlet was a game-changer for me. I have a processing disorder from short-term to long-term. I used the Quizlet 24/7 to really help me learn the models. I also watched the practice exam multiple times to help change how I viewed questions. I cannot recommend this program enough. Thank you so much, Dr. Gehart. 

Rosalinda's Success Story...

I signed up for this course 5 days before my exam, drank from a firehouse for 5 days, and then passed with little prior studying!

I happen to be a really good test taker and I also went through a really strong program and have had good clinical and supervision experience that prepared me well.

But I don’t think I would have passed without this course. Thank you!!!

Yi-Hsin's Success Story...

I passed my exam!! I think Step 3 is the most helpful section. I am so glad I took 4 weeks to complete all the worksheets in detail and just review them by making it fun.

I quizzed myself and have a small celebration dance every time when I got it right. I took 6 weeks to prep for the exam and walked out of the testing center feeling "that was not bad at all."

I believe it's because I did all the Step 3 worksheets!

Carla's Success Story...

Before this program, I tried 2 the most popular exam prep programs plus a private anxiety coach!! After failing more than once, one program basically told me "there's nothing more we can do for you," and the other simply went through same questions and content with me. Diane's lectures really helped me get to pass, especially with the quizlet flashcards. Thank you so much!!

It worked!

I studied in various ways with varying focus for approximately 6 months, becoming more focused a day or two prior to exam the areas I KNEW I did not know.

During the exam, I was able to recall my review the day before, as well as hear your voice!

Let’s T.A.P. our way to success!!

So grateful for the work you’re doing Diane, thank you so very much!

Tricia's Success Story...

I really appreciate your licensure exam training program.  It gave me the structure I was needing and helped me feel confident in the process.

I just passed - on my first attempt. Thank you so much!

Valerie's Success Story....

I passed! I passed the first time I took the test! I studied between 2-3 hours a day June-September 19th. As I left the test, I did not know if I passed it or missed the mark. I was so pleased to receive the news. Laugh Your Way to Licensure™ made all the difference. It gave me a clear direction for study with realistic expectations and coping strategies. I will gladly suggest this course to anyone working toward licensure!

Riketa's Success Story...

What helped me the most were the mock exam and study techniques. You explained the importance of not overanalyzing the questions and taking them for what they were. The study techniques that helped the most were the charts. They helped simplify the characteristics of the theories and symptoms of diseases. It also made it easier to compare and contrast information. Being able to go through questions or talk about the exam live with you was a big help as well. I have been recommending this program to others. 

Jennifer's Success Story...

I want to personally thank you, as I couldn't pass the exam without your prep course. This was my second time taking the exam, so naturally, I had some anxiety as I studied and when I arrived at the testing site. When I walked out of the testing site I felt confident that I had passed and that was because of your motivation and feeling inspired by peers. I listened to the group coaching calls and implemented some of the techniques identified by the group. I listened to the 3 core contents at least twice a week for 5 months and at least one of your bonus videos every day for 3 months. The mock exam review was also helpful so I purchased Ben's test bank. I think between your videos and Ben's test bank I had a solid foundation that allowed me to pass. 

Nancy’s Success Story...

Diane, I PASSED my exam!!!! Your course was the key!!!! I greatly appreciate your work!!!! I am over the moon!!! This was my 4th time taking it and your course/approach etc made all the difference!!!!  OMGOD…..I PASSED JUST LIKE YOU SAID I WOULD.

Thomas's Success Story...

I was notified that I passed the exam with an 80.5% score, 145 out of 180!! I so appreciate who you are as a person, trainer and empowerer. I don’t know what to put on the site, because my studying went so far off the Laugh Your Way to Licensure™ (LYWTL) track! I did less than 50% of the LYWTL lessons, and I filled out about a quarter of the provided sheets. However, I kept coming back and using your videos. I really appreciated going through the mock exam with you. I didn’t remember the TAP acronym, but I did take the time with each question to ask, “What the hell are you asking me??” That kept me semi-focused and amused. 

Kristen’s Success Story...

I've taken other test-prep courses. This one is very detailed. I like the accountability.

Rita’s Success Story…

I finally passed! Your study guide that makes you look up the theories and put it into your own words was a game changer for me.
So was utilizing your "green light red light" method, reframing my mind to it's not IF but WHEN I pass, and taking the tests you had in your program for the theories. I also loved the !uizlets you provided.

You will be surprised to know I only studied about 2x a week for about maybe 4 hours total and I passed! But the study guide I feel was the biggest game changer and it is evident in the increase of test scores.

I believe your coursework is very well designed, I have seen [top exam prep company #1] and [top exam prep company #2]. With your program, my score went from 113 to 128!!

Your coaching calls also make the difference and stand out from the other ones.

Thank you again so much for all you do!

Gladys's Success Story...

I wanted you to know that I passed my AMFTRB exam 6 months ago. It took some time for me to know that I passed. My mail was lost, and I did not get an email. I felt like I was waiting forever. And then, life happened so I was not able to share the great news right away and that is why I am just now thanking you. In God’s will and plan, I finally made it! Thank you! Thank you so much for all your help. 

Snow's Success Story...

I wanted to let you know that I passed the NMFT exam with your course after failing 5 times with another course.

Rhonda's Success Story...

I was surprised at how many questions I knew about some of the models not familiar with, but I did better than expected. I will say this program is awesome! And I wished I had gotten it months ago. Before wasting so much time and money on other programs like [top 3 competitors].

Jen's Success Story...

I passed the first time! Thank you for the gift of this course. It was a perfect reentry for me back into the field after so long. Grateful for your humble guidance and deep knowledge. Excited to get back to this work. I would be happy to come on the group session if there is one in January.

Austin's Success Story...

T.A.P. has been one of the most helpful tools I have learned thus far. What has surprised me the most is how much knowledge is in this course and how simple you are able to break down the foundations of MFT. I do not feel anxiety learning all of this information as I did with all the other study programs I have invested in. I feel excited again to take the test. I feel motivated, confident, and calm because of this course. I am most excited to take the test again because I feel as if a light bulb has turned on again! Thank you for this program!

Lilliam’s Success Story...

I have purchased a few programs to study throughout the past 3 years, and amongst them was your book and your study program. After listing to your program, I kept saying to myself, “Aim for a passing grade” and "it is a rite of passage." I took the exam with the mentality that I was going to practice for the real try in early 2023.

To my surprise I passed… this was my 4th attempt.

The exam has been significantly hard because my primary language is Spanish, and aside from the challenge of interpreting the type of question I had to respond to , I also had to translate the language at times. Overall I am ecstatic and still trying to absorb the successful outcome.

Now I keep saying to myself, “You are a “Licensiada." This has been a big deal for my mom, my children and my siblings as I am a first generation college student who is now in her 50’s.




Laugh Your Way to LicensureTM!

National and California MFT Exam Prep Course

Pay Over Time

4 Payments of $79

Holiday Discount--Regularly $93

  • 20 hours of comprehensive review videos with Dr. Gehart, including beautifully designed PowerPoints with handouts
  • 24 hours of BONUS videos that cover all of the theories on both exams in-depth, including handouts and theory-specific case conceptualization forms
  • 30 pages of fillable Study Worksheets to enable you to quickly study and retain information
  • 400 online Quizlet flashcards that enable you to easily test your knowledge anytime, anywhere
  • 300 practice questions divided by topic so you know what you know and what you don't
  • 1 Full-Length Mock Exam for National OR California with rationales for each question
  • 3 different stress-management options: mindfulness, EFT tapping, and guided visualization
  • 1 monthly group coaching call with Dr. Gehart on Zoom to keep you motivated and get all of your questions answered
  • 2-in-1 Package that includes review materials for both the California and National Exams.
  • 1 free app that can be accessed on a tablet or phone!
I Want to Laugh My Way to Licensure...Now!!

One-Time Payment


Holiday Discount--Regularly $347!!!

  • 20 hours of comprehensive review videos with Dr. Gehart, including beautifully designed PowerPoints with handouts
  • 24 hours of BONUS videos that cover all of the theories on both exams in-depth, including handouts and theory-specific case conceptualization forms
  • 30 pages of fillable Study Worksheets to enable you to quickly study and retain information
  • 400 online Quizlet flashcards that enable you to easily test your knowledge anytime, anywhere
  • 300 practice questions divided by topic so you know what you know and what you don't
  • 1 Full-Length Mock Exam for National OR California with rationales for each question
  • 3 different stress-management options: mindfulness, EFT tapping, and guided visualization
  • 1 monthly group coaching call with Dr. Gehart on Zoom to keep you motivated and get all of your questions answered
  • 2-in-1 Package that includes review materials for both the California and National Exams.
  • 1 free app that can be accessed on a tablet or phone!
I Want to Laugh My Way to Licensure...Now!!